This Summer Village is for four delegates who will represent the United States in a four-week international camp. Delegates must turn 11 on or in the 12 months before August 31.
In Village there are between ten and thirteen delegations from around the world. Each delegation is made up of two girls, two boys, and their adult leader.
Camp is coordinated by staff, adult leaders, and junior counselors (aged 16-17.)
Village Goals – To share their culture and learn about the cultures of other delegations at Village through a variety of hands-on educational, cultural, and fun activities. A Village creates a safe, fun setting in which your child will learn, with children from around the world, about each others’ lives and cultures and how to communicate, cooperate, and live together.
Download the Village Application and email all completed materials to by December 22, 2024.
Questions: Contact: Cigdem Knebel and Paul Costa: