*Airfare/transportation costs are additional and not included in the program price*
This Junior Counselor position is for a male aged 16-17, who will be traveling by himself to Smoky Mountain, USA.
In a Village, the JCs are an important part of the leaders’ group, performing specific duties and contributing to the planning and operation of the daily activities. They also have the ability to serve as the bridge between the delegates and the adults. All the children need to feel liked and loved by the JCs, who function like older sisters and brothers.
Being a JC is a position of responsibility. JCs are trained through the same National Leader Training as all adult program leaders and staff do. The JC position requires maturity, responsibility, commitment and hard work.
*While you do have many shared responsibilities with the adults, you are still a child in most countries. This means you must follow CISV and Host Country rules and laws regarding: use of alcohol, drugs, and smoking; use of telephone and facilities; arrival and departure schedule; visitors; and inappropriate activities.*
Download the Junior Counselor Application and send all completed materials to Aimee Terosky and Chris Heasley philly-leader@cisvusa.org by December 22, 2024.