– The following is a note from our Philadelphia Chapter President, Jessica Lee.
– Attached below is the PDF that she received from the CISV USA Board of Directors.
October 28, 2020
Hi CISV Philadelphia,
As you may know, the football pool was virtual this year. It was actually postponed while the International and US National Boards discussed whether or not to even proceed with the programs. As I did not have further information, I decided to hold off on informing the chapter until we had a decision.
The CISV USA has decided not to participate in sending or hosting any International Summer Programs for Summer 2021. This was not a decision taken lightly and you can find their letter to the chapters attached to this email.
In terms of the Philadelphia Chapter, I urge you all to carry on CISV in your daily lives and work. We all know that CISV isn’t just the camps but about the friends we make, the lessons we learn, and our wonderful JB and local programs.
As our chapter, our goal is to use this “downtime” for lack of a better term to focus internally and emerge stronger. Want to take action?
Donate. Join us for a JB activity. Share CISV Philadelphia. Volunteer.
While the summer programs have been canceled for 2021 CISV itself has not been canceled and we’re counting on all of our chapters to take a sad song and make it better.
While the summer programs have been canceled for 2021 CISV itself has not been canceled and we’re counting on all of our chapters to take a sad song and make it better.
Jessica Lee
CISV Philadelphia