On November 3 we had an open house to welcome new and returning members. We loved seeing so many familiar faces, and so many new ones too. Thank you to all who came (and brought gluten-free snacks!) to celebrate and learn more about our organization and chapter.
The most exciting thing, other than the food, for the kids especially, was the 2020 program reveal. Our chapter and JB presidents worked together to come up with a playlist and some fun facts about the countries we’ll travel to as a way to create some suspense and hold the attention of the excited kids in the room. Some songs were in the country’s native language, others were by artists that originally came from that country. All in all, everyone did a pretty good job guessing where we will go in 2020!
So without further ado, CISV Philly will be traveling to (drumroll please…..)
*Recently Invitations were added to each program page for easier application access. The complete list of programs can be found below, and on the Philadelphia 2020 programs homepage*
**Applications are available now and are due December 10th, 2019**
Village “The foundation for global friendship” (ages 10-11)
- Brussels, Belgium (7/10-8/06/2020) four delegates ($3,850 includes air)
- Modena, Italy (7/10-8/06/2020) four delegates ($3,850 includes air)
- Tel Aviv, Israel (7/23-8/19/2020) four delegates ($3,850 includes air)
[Contact Kristin Lowery or Alya Sherman: villagephilly@cisvusa.org]
Interchange “Building international competence” (ages 12-13)
- Reggio Emilia, Italy (approx. 6/30-7/30/2020) six delegates (1,850 + air)
[Contact Jennifer Eckert: cisvphillyic18@gmail.com]
Step Up “Building leadership skills”
age 14
- Barcelona, Spain (7/03-7/25/2020) four delegates ($1,800 + air)
age 15
- Rocky Mountain, Denver (6/28-7/20/2020) four delegates ($1,800 + air)
[Contact Bill and Ellen Reaume: stepupphilly@cisvusa.org]
Youth Meeting “Building skills in a regional context” (ages 16-18)
- Cologne, Germany (4/14-4-21/2020) one delegate ($1,000 + transportation)
- Fyn + Sydjylland, Denmark (7/05-7/19/2020) one delegate ($1,000 + transportation)
[Contact Patrick O’Rourke: ymphilly@cisvusa.org]
Junior Counselor ” Encourage and guide young minds” (age 16-17)
- Tel Aviv, Israel (7/23-8/19/2020) once delegate, male ($1,800 + transportation)
- Lisbon, Portugal (7/24-8/20/2020) one delegate, female ($1,800 + transportation)
[Contact Ricki Eisenstein: jcphilly@cisvusa.org]
Seminar “A dialogue for global friendship” (age 17-18)
Seminar camp applications are available on the CISV USA website. The application lists the available camps and how to apply. (1,600 + transportation)
[Contact Andi Tzabari: philadelphia@cisvusa.org]
Fortnight “Leadership development through US cultural diversity” (ages 16-18)
- Washington, DC (7/06-7/19/2020) one delegate ($1,350 + transportation)
[Contact Patrick O’Rourke: ymphilly@cisvusa.org]
Which programs can you do? Find out using our Programme Age Checker
**Application Deadline is December 10, 2019**