March 26th, 2020 by Philadelphia President
Dear Travelers and Staff,
We learned from the National Governing Board today that, due to the coronavirus pandemic, National has decided to cancel all summer programs involving US members – both sending and hosting (see attached letter). I know how devastating this news is – we’ve all been looking forward to the amazing opportunities we and our kids were going to have this summer. But given the situation, it’s the right thing to do. We don’t have a lot of additional information right now, but National has promised that they will send out an FAQ in the next few days, and we will share this info as we get it.
In the meantime – stay connected. if delegations want to get together virtually during the quarantine period (and even face-to-face when it’s safe to do so), please go ahead and schedule that on your own! Feel free to invite your Leaders as well, though they may not be able to attend, depending on their work and school situation.
We will keep everyone apprised of the status of upcoming Philadelphia events, and are looking at scheduling some meetings and fun activities during the summer once the pandemic has calmed down. If any of you have other ideas about how to keep the CISV spirit going during this period, please let me know and we’ll see what we can organize!
Thanks again for your patience, and stay safe,
Andi Tzabari
Philadelphia CISV President